Saturday, October 6, 2012

Conflict Resolution

I am currently having difficulty with my assistant teacher.  She comes across quite harsh and each time I feel like I've done something good, she always points out something wrong.  We have to have families fill out new child information cards when they have a change of address and move to another center and we have a new child that will be starting this week whose parents stopped into the classroom.  While they were there I had them fill out those new cards and was feeling good about having completed this task!  When my assistant came in and saw the card, she immediately asked me who she could release the child to and why there were not more names listed.  I also have another problem with the bus driver as he gets gas almost every day during class time.  According to our policies and procedures manual, drivers are suppose to get gas before they start their day or at the end of the day.

This week, I am going to have to address these issues and I am very nervous.  I have learned this week that conflict does not have to be negative and I am hopeful that by addressing my concerns, it will open lines of communication and make us a stronger team.  I also know that I do not want to make my assistant or driver feel like I am attacking them, so I will be as empathetic as I can and make use of I statements.  We also have to be mindful of the needs of the children in the classroom. 

Something that stuck out this week in my reading was from The Third Side; "people want to be recognized and respected for who they are".  I know that I want to be recognized and given positive feedback and I do my best to let my staff know how much I appreciate what they do each day and especially when they put forth extra effort.  Our bus driver is new to our program and is still learning every day.  He is starting to interact more with the children and even attempted to do an assessment on a very challenging child the other day.  I have to give him kudos for all he is doing!  I need my staff to also understand that I need to have some of this same kind of positive recognition as well.  I love how the children let me know they love me, but I am struggling to get any positive interactions with my assistant which could make for a very long year. 

I hope that I have the skills to approach this conflict and have a good outcome.  Cross your fingers for me please! 

I have a colleague that has worked in early childhood for a long time and she shared with me that it took her awhile to be able to approach conflict well.  It is still not something that she enjoys, but with her new role as a center supervisor, she may find herself dealing with conflict even more.  In this new role, she sees herself more as a mediator and sometimes arbitrator. 


  1. Hi Jodi,
    Its a challenge to work with other especailly when it doesn't go well. I have been there. Just keep trying to work on things and they will work out. Be positive every little conversation helps you lead into the next which is closer to a compromise or solution.
    Everyone should be recognized for their job! it's sadness to hear that people don't. For one early childhood professional to another keep up the great job of going to school and working on developing your skills within the field and in your personal life, you are doing an amzing job!

  2. Hello Jodi,

    Great examples, they go perfectly with this week's focus.

    I'm sure you will do fine, just remember to keep an open mind and try to stay calm.

    You'll do great. Good luck!

  3. Hello Jodi –
    I am confident that you will be able to constructively deal with both this issues with your assistant and the bus driver. Making situations, which makes you very unfortunately positive, will be difficult, but in the end, it will hopefully be must stronger and you will be able to establish a clear boundary in the class room too. You will be able to use the information we have gained this week and have a very positive out come to both conflicts. Please share how it all turns out.
    Thank you,
