Saturday, October 13, 2012

Team Building and Collaboration

One of the first groups I think of when I think of adjourning is graduating high school.  This was a group of people that I spent a lot of time with.  I formed many close friendships with these people and graduation was a celebration of our accomplishments.  We were setting out into a whole new world with new expectations and unknown adventures.  Some of the people I still talk to and some I rarely, if ever see.  It was a sad and happy time.  I have been a part of several classroom teams that did not stay together and some were hard to leave while others were easy.  The harder ones were the ones where we were high-performing and there was trust, exceptance, and support for everyone.  I am still friends with a couple of the teachers I worked with through the years because of the bonds we made in the classroom.  I also remember being part of an Early Reading First grant and how we had a celebratory dinner when the grant ended.  It was sad because I had to find new employment and because I was going to miss doing what I had done and working with the people I had worked with.  It was also wonderful because so many of the teachers had learned so much and had come so far with the support of the Early Reading First team.  It was good to know that they had the skills they needed to continue what they had learned. 

The hardest group to leave was my current employer.  I was part of an amazing organization and after having a seizure I could no longer do one of my job functions and was forced to look elsewhere for work.  I loved the organization and hated to leave.  One good thing was my determination to go back.  I began working on getting my degree in child development and I am happy to say that I am back with that organization only to find that things are about to change dramatically. 

As far as closing rituals, I have experienced many dinners and a few graduations.  I imagine that I will adjourn from the group of colleagues in my Master's degree program with some sad goodbyes, but also knowing that we all still have our blogs and we can communicate with one another if we need to.  I think adjourning is essential because we need to look back on our accomplishments and celebrate those and even look at our failures and what we may have overcome.  By taking time, we can see how we will move forward and perhaps how we will stay in touch with members of the group. 


  1. Jodi,

    Adjourning from my undergraduate classmates in college was hard for me like graduating high school was for you. I remember one moment when I said this could be the last time we are all in the same room together. Everyone got sad and told me not to think about it. So, we went on to enjoy the graduation. But, looking back now I do remember how sad it was for me to say good-bye.

    Thank you for Sharing,

  2. Hi Jodi,
    Thanks for sharing and being so open and honest about things. Change is so hard especailly when you have been comfortable and confident in the place you love to work at. it's the unknown about change whats makes it hard. It could be positive and the change could work out really well or the change could have a negavtive affect and make things hard and challneging to figure out how to regroup and make things cohesive again.
    I wish you the best of luck in the change to come!! make sure to give it a chance and be as positive as possible because even though it may be hard start it could work out for the better.

    Thanks Katherine

  3. Hi Jodi,

    I know it always seems that I am responding just to your blogs out of the other classmates, but it never fails everytime I read your blog I feel like you are telling my story in someway or another. I really enjoy reading your blogs and know how you feel about departing from a group of co-workers whom you consider to be family or friends. Again good luck at going back to the job and I look forward to reading your future blogs.

    Erica Hines

  4. Yes Jodi we are here. I was hope we would would stay in touch either through email, blogs or at least these last few classes. I have two more and my capston. I am looking forward to graduation.
    Good luck and hope we stay in touch.
